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Wilke International Inc., founded in 1982, is a leading supplier of DL-Lactic Acid and lactates worldwide.  


Wilke International synthetic DL-Lactic Acid 88% is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, electronic and industrial applications industries to which high purity and heat stability are necessary.  


DL-Lactic acid is a synthetically produced, highly uniform, non-volatile acid that maintains its acid strength in applications over long storage periods. It is essentially colorless, odorless, and has a mild, fruity, flavor that neither masks nor overpowers other flavor constituents. The 88% USP/FCC grade meets or exceeds the specifications of the United States Pharmacopeia and the Food Chemicals Codex for lactic acid.


Since we specialize in DL-Lactic Acid, we are confident that we can meet your needs at very competitive pricing. This is packaged in 507 lb drums, and Wilke products are warehoused throughout the USA and can normally be shipped within 3-5 days of order placement.





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 without expressed written permission of Wilke International is prohibited.